How To Make An Account On Twitter

Hey there pals! Are you ready to join the Twittersphere and become a tweet master? Let me teach you How To Make An Account On Twitter - and get you started on your tweeting journey. Don't worry, I promise it's easier than trying to teach your grandma how to use emojis.

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Step 1: Enter Your Info

First things first, go to the Twitter Sign Up page. Fill out the form and make sure you use an email that you always check because Twitter will email you to verify your account. Usernames have a 15 character limit and, unfortunately, the password must be at least 6 characters long. So, if your go-to password is "12345", you're going to have to switch things up a bit (and I suggest you do that for all your accounts, you security risk!).

Twitter Sign Up Page

Step 2: Pick a Profile Picture

Alright, now that you've given Twitter your basic info, it's time to add some personality to your account. Choose a spiffy profile picture that shows off your flair (or lack thereof). If you're not sure what to use, I suggest a picture of your cat. Everyone loves cat pictures. Just make sure it's well lit and not blurry.

Step 3: Follow Your Friends and Favorite Celebrities

Before you can start your own tweets, you're going to need some inspiration. Follow your friends, family, coworkers, and even your boss if you're brave enough. Plus, don't forget to follow your favorite celebrities. You never know when Justin Bieber will tweet a picture of his abs (I mean, this is Twitter, anything is possible).

Twitter Tutorial: How to Create a Twitter Account

Step 4: Tweet Your Heart Out

Now that you've got some people to read your tweets, it's time to compose your first masterpiece(s). You only have 280 characters, so use them wisely. Think about your message, your tone, and your audience. Plus, don't forget hashtags (#fridayfeels #sorrynotsorry #blessed).

Getbrandy Create Account Screen by Mara Lubell for Works Progress

Step 5: Customize Your Profile

If you're feeling fancy, spice up your profile to give it some extra oomph. You can customize your banner image, add a header photo, and even change the color scheme. Don't be afraid to show off your personal style!

Getbrandy Create Account Screen

Step 6: Use Twitter Lists

Twitter Lists are a great way to organize the accounts you follow into specific groups. Create lists for your family, coworkers, friends from college, and even your favorite cat accounts (I told you everyone loves cat pictures). This way, when you're looking for something to tweet about, you can scroll through a specific list and get some inspiration.

How To Make A Twitter Account - YouTube

Step 7: Keep Your Account Safe

Once you start tweeting, you're going to want to make sure your account is protected. Go to your settings and make sure your tweets are only visible to your followers (if you don't want everyone to see them). You can also add two-factor authentication for added security, just in case.

How To Make A Twitter Account - YouTube

Step 8: Engage With Your Followers

If someone takes the time to respond to one of your tweets, make sure you respond back. It's important to engage with your followers and make them feel like they're part of the conversation. Plus, it's just plain polite.

How to make your Twitter account private on desktop or mobile, and

Step 9: Tweet Smart

Before you tweet anything, think to yourself: "Would I be okay with my mom reading this?" If the answer is no, maybe reconsider. Also, keep in mind that once you hit send, your tweet is out there for the world to see (and potentially screenshot and share). So, be smart and responsible with your tweeting habits.

How to make your Twitter account private on desktop or mobile

Step 10: Dive Into Twitter Chats

If you're feeling brave, jump into a Twitter chat and start chatting it up with like-minded individuals. Twitter chats are a great way to meet new people, learn about new topics, and even grow your own following. Just make sure to follow the #hashtag for the chat to stay in the loop.

And there you have it! Ten steps to becoming a Twitter pro. Now get out there and start tweeting your heart out. And, as always, happy tweeting!

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